Bharti Airtel, the pan India mobile telephony company in India, announced the launch of Work From Home prepaid data packs for its prepaid subscribers in India. Airtel Offers three different plans for the subscribers in India on its prepaid platform.
The offers are categorized basis on the usage of the customers, lets start the offering from minimal recharge in the work from the home category, Rs. 48 recharge offers customers 3GB of mobile data, Rs. 98 offers customers 12 GB of high-speed mobile data and Rs.251 offers customers 50 GB of high-speed mobile data.
There is a clause for all the recharge packs in the work from the home category, the customers should utilize the data benefits before existing validity gets completed. The work from home recharge packs cannot be done as a validity recharge.
We heavily advise not to recharge work from home data packs on the last day of validity of existing combo, truly unlimited and smart recharge packs.
For your better understanding, we have tabulated the same below.
MRP Rs | Benefits | Validity |
48 | 3GB High-Speed Mobile Data | Same as your existing pack |
98 | 12GB High-Speed Mobile Data | Same as your existing pack |
251 | 50GB High-Speed Mobile Data | Same as your existing pack |
Customers can recharge pack online by visiting or through the airtel thanks app.
The plan benefits would vary from time to time, request you to check with Airtel before recharging the packs. Airtel Customer care can be reached at 121 for queries and 198 for complaints.
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