Reliance Jio, the mobile and fiber telephony company in India has launched a new offer with Rs.98 recharge pack in the selective circles. The new offer is applicable for all the customers both existing and new.
The recharge of rupees 98 offers customers unlimited voice calls in India both home and national roaming, 100 SMS per day, and 1.5 GB high-speed data per day. After the high-speed data quota is exhausted customers still can utilize the internet with 64kbps speed free of cost. There are additional data packs available for the customers for using high-speed internet after the high-speed data is exhausted.
The recharge pack of rupees 98 offers customers a validity of 14 days, we can say this is a mini version of 199 recharge. During this pandemic, the mini recharge of rupees 98 offered by Jio will definitely help the customers and increase the active subscriber base for Jio.
The customers are also provided with additional OTT benefits of JioTV, JioCinema, JioNews, JioSecurity, JioCloud along with the recharge.
Recharge Now by visiting or myjio app , customers can also recharge by visiting other top wallets such as PayTM, Payzapp etc..